Photography . . . Travel . . .

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sunday Morning at the San Diego Zoo - Jaguars and Tigers (and more)

Brothers . . . .

Christopher and Conner, the Malayan Tiger cubs born last April at the San Diego Zoo, are now as big as (or maybe even bigger than) their mother. They were napping up in a far corner of their enclosure when I got there this morning - Christopher has his arm around his brother.

Later in the day, as I was leaving, I ran into one of the tiger keepers, who just happened to have a plate full of cut up beef heart, on her way to give the little beasties an afternoon snack. Of course I had to go back to watch. She only had to call their names once to get their full attention.

This next shot is blurry, but you can see the piece of meat in the air just in front of Christopher.

Earlier in the day I stopped in to see how the baby Jaguars were doing. They're getting bigger.

Here's kind of a different view of a mother jaguar (Nindiri) and one of her cubs.

The jaguar cubs were taking turns chewing on a fresh rabbit, but not really getting very far in terms of actually eating it. More like just chewing and dragging it around. Eventually their mother got it back from them - it was supposed to be her's in the first place - and ate it. Since not everyone might want to see those pictures, you'll have to click on the link to the gallery at the end of this post if you want to see them.

In the meantime, here are a few shots of Nindiri, the cubs' mother.

I really don't think you would want to run into this out in the jungle.

Here's are a couple of bird images - just to end up with something different today.

Click here to see more images from this morning at the San Diego Zoo.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice Frank. The meat shot cracks me up, I like it! That flamingo is looking pretty dang cool too. I'll have to see if I can't meet up with you at the zoo some time.


About Me

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San Diego, California, United States
About me . . . When I'm not working I like to be out exploring and photographing. I do this blog just for fun, and to be able to share these images with friends. I hope you enjoy viewing these images as much as I enjoyed creating them.

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All of the content and images on this site (c) Frank B. Baiamonte. If you would like to use any of these images please contact me via email at to discuss terms of usage. Note that images from the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park are not available for commercial usage. You can also see more on my Instagram page @frankbaiamonte.

Header image: Cibola National Wildlife Refuge, Cibola, Arizona. End image: Downtown San Diego, California skyline from Coronado Island. Profile picture: Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho, by Heather Baiamonte.