Photography . . . Travel . . .

Thursday, March 12, 2015

California Road Trip - January 2015 - Part 2 - California Missions

We stopped to visit four different Missions on this trip. On our way north we stopped at the Mission San Carlo Borromeo de Carmel, also known as the Carmel Mission.  On our drive south we stopped at the Mission San Juan Bautista, Mission San Miguel Arcangel, and the Mission Santa Barbara.

The Mission San Carlo Borromeo de Carmel was founded June 3, 1770.

Click here to see more images from the Mission San Carlo Borromeo de Carmel.

On our way south from San Francisco our first stop was the Mission at San Juan Bautista, which was founded June 24, 1797. The Mission sits on the edge of the only original Spanish plaza left in California. There are 30 historic buildings in a 12-block area, allowing for a fairly good feel for what it might have looked like in the 1850's. You can still see a section of the original El Camino Real, which happens to run right along a portion of the San Andreas Fault.  Parts of the 1957 Alfred Hitchcock film "Vertigo" were filmed at the Mission.

Here's a view looking out from under the portico arches across the Plaza.

This building is almost literally on top of the San Andreas Fault.

Click here to see more images from the Mission San Juan Bautista.

Further south, and right off Highway 101, is the Mission San Miguel Arcangel, founded July 25, 1797.

Many of the Missions have museums which detail the history of the area.

According to the curator of the Bigfoot Museum in Felton, both the Spaniards and the grizzly bears factored into why we don't see Bigfoots as much any more, at least in the daytime. I'm not sure if this is a grizzly or a black bear (and we didn't spot any Bigfoots), but it seemed appropriate to get this picture after we heard his story.

Click here to see more images from the Mission San Miguel Arcangel.

The Mission Santa Barbara was founded December 4, 1786.  It's been rebuilt a few times over the years.

Click here to see more images from the Mission Santa Barbara.

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San Diego, California, United States
About me . . . When I'm not working I like to be out exploring and photographing. I do this blog just for fun, and to be able to share these images with friends. I hope you enjoy viewing these images as much as I enjoyed creating them.

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All of the content and images on this site (c) Frank B. Baiamonte. If you would like to use any of these images please contact me via email at to discuss terms of usage. Note that images from the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park are not available for commercial usage. You can also see more on my Instagram page @frankbaiamonte.

Header image: Cibola National Wildlife Refuge, Cibola, Arizona. End image: Downtown San Diego, California skyline from Coronado Island. Profile picture: Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho, by Heather Baiamonte.