Photography . . . Travel . . .

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Curious Cat - Malayan Tiger at the San Diego Zoo

There is a small group of us who can generally be found at the Malayan Tiger enclosure at the San Diego Zoo on Saturday mornings.  In fact, you're more likely to see us than you are to see the tiger.  We don't mind waiting hours for him to show up, and we're often rewarded with a few good pictures for our patience.  We'll just hang out and talk, either between ourselves or with other Zoo visitors.  Every now and then though, Connor surprises us by peering around a corner to see just who's out there, and to keep us on our toes.  He really does look like he's curious to know what's happening on the other side of the barrier.

Sometimes he sneaks up on us from the right, on the log that comes down from the upper pond.

Other times he peers around the corner from the left.

Over the course of a year the lighting in the enclosure changes a lot.  Late summer and early autumn are often very harsh in the late morning and mid-day, but nice in the early morning and later in the afternoon.  Last Saturday we had some particularly nice light around 2:00pm, with lots of sunlight reflecting up from the water in the lower pond and off the light colored rock walls.  And, we were also lucky enough to have a tiger show up at just the right time.

Here's something a little different.

Click here to see more of Connor, the San Diego Zoo's Malayan Tiger, from Saturday, September 20, 2014.

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San Diego, California, United States
About me . . . When I'm not working I like to be out exploring and photographing. I do this blog just for fun, and to be able to share these images with friends. I hope you enjoy viewing these images as much as I enjoyed creating them.

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All of the content and images on this site (c) Frank B. Baiamonte. If you would like to use any of these images please contact me via email at to discuss terms of usage. Note that images from the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park are not available for commercial usage. You can also see more on my Instagram page @frankbaiamonte.

Header image: Cibola National Wildlife Refuge, Cibola, Arizona. End image: Downtown San Diego, California skyline from Coronado Island. Profile picture: Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho, by Heather Baiamonte.