Photography . . . Travel . . .

Monday, May 28, 2018

More Amur Leopard Cubs - San Diego Zoo

Heather and went to the San Diego Zoo first thing on Sunday morning; we got there right as they opened at 9:00am and headed straight to the Asian Cat exhibit, where we stood around in front of the enclosure for well over two hours - and the Amur Leopard cubs never once even poked their little heads out.  Some friends were there waiting as well, so at least we had someone to talk with.  The mother, Satka, was wandering around some, but the cubs were staying in their den out of site.  Around 11:30am we finally decided it was time to head over to the International Food Festival in Balboa Park.

Heather still wanted to see the cubs in person, so we went back again this morning.  We got down to the enclosure just a few minutes after 9:00am, and proceeded to stand around waiting, and talking with a bunch of friends, for over an hour.  But, then they came out, and for the next 20 minutes or so it sounded like paparazzi at a red carpet event.  Here are a few pictures of the Amur Leopard cubs from this morning.

It was't foggy, that blur on the sides is actually the out-of-focus sleeves of two friends; I was trying to shoot between them to get the view.  I cropped away some of it, but the rest is there to stay.

Satka let them wander as far as they wanted in the enclosure, but always kept an eye on them.  At one point one of them wanted to check out all the people by hanging out right at the fence, but she came over, grabbed him (or her, they don't know yet) by the scruff of the neck and did a quick "relocation".  

Click here to see a few more pictures of the new Amur Leopard cubs at the San Diego Zoo this morning, May 28, 2018.  All images taken with a Nikon D500 and Nikon AF-S 300 f/2.8 VRII.

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San Diego, California, United States
About me . . . When I'm not working I like to be out exploring and photographing. I do this blog just for fun, and to be able to share these images with friends. I hope you enjoy viewing these images as much as I enjoyed creating them.

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All of the content and images on this site (c) Frank B. Baiamonte. If you would like to use any of these images please contact me via email at to discuss terms of usage. Note that images from the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park are not available for commercial usage. You can also see more on my Instagram page @frankbaiamonte.

Header image: Cibola National Wildlife Refuge, Cibola, Arizona. End image: Downtown San Diego, California skyline from Coronado Island. Profile picture: Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho, by Heather Baiamonte.